What is an ILP?
An Individual Learning Plan (ILP) is a document that tells your course teams about any reasonable adjustments which are recommended on your course. In order to get an ILP, you will need to have a disability, health condition or Specific Learning Difference which meets the definition of disability under the Equality Act 2010.
You will need to provide evidence of your condition, for example, medical evidence or a dyslexia assessment. Your Accessibility Adviser will liaise with you to create the ILP and this will be shared with your lecturers and tutors. The ILP will give details about any reasonable adjustments but not about your disability.
Why are ILPs important?
ILPs are important because they recommend reasonable adjustments to minimise or remove barriers that may prevent you from taking part in university life and studies.
Some examples of reasonable adjustments are:
- Exam or Assessment adjustments (e.g. extra time, use of a PC, etc.)
- Access to handouts and notes in advance of taught sessions
- Accommodation Adaptions
See more about Reasonable Adjustments for Disabled Students.
When are ILPs created?
ILPs can be generated at any point during the academic year and your course teams will be notified as soon as possible.
Exeter - How to apply for an ILP
To apply for an ILP, please complete the ILP Application for Exeter students.
If you have diagnostic evidence of your disability, medical condition or learning difficulty, you will need to send us a copy. We recommend that you password protect any evidence you send to us via email using your date of birth (ddmmyy).
Your Accessibility Adviser will then contact you to discuss any reasonable adjustments you may need. This information will be used to create an ILP which will be sent to your course team and the exams office. (You can view your ILP via your Exeter Portal by clicking on 'Student Records System'.)
Any information you provide to the Accessibility Service will only be shared with people who need to know in order to put support in place for you. You can contact your Accessibility Advisor at Accessibility@fxplus.ac.uk or 01326 370460 (via the Compass Helpdesk), or make an appointment through the Study Hub.
Falmouth - How to apply for an ILP
Falmouth students can apply for an ILP through My Falmouth. After logging into My Falmouth, Click on the Apply for an Individual Learning Plan tile and follow the instructions. Watch the video below to see how.
An Accessibility Adviser will then contact you to set up your ILP.
Adjusted Deadlines for Falmouth students

Accessibility information for Exeter students

Extensions and mitigation for Exeter students

Exam arrangements for Exeter students