Teams and groupwork


How teams, tasks and individuals interact for rewarding groupwork
Image of a board game with counter in the start postion


Get your group off to a good start


Discussion points to bring things out into the open
Materials to complete a task


Reflecting on how you and your team approach a task


Practical ideas for working together effectively throughout your team's lifecycle

Team Project Planning Wizard

Use this tool to help plan your team project or assignment in a structured way.
Planning wizard
    Top Tips

    Teams need building

    • Effective teamwork doesn’t happen by accident – check out the  Task  guide and  Planning Wizard
    • The biggest cause of conflict is workload distribution – sort out early who does what and when

    Set an example for each other

    • Building trust is important. Agree on early ground rules for teamwork
    • Don't assume everyone interprets things in the same way. Take time to uncover diverse views – they feed creativity

    You’re learning by doing

    • You’re building valuable professional and employability skills alongside your subject knowledge
    • Reflecting on conflict and problems helps you gain maximum learning benefit - start a ‘lessons learned log’ on day 1 of your project

    OpenLearn - Groups and teamwork

    A free Open University course in groups and teamwork with lots of useful ideas and tools.

    Kanban boards

    Trello (or Microsoft Teams/Planner) are great ways to share tasks with other team members, if you are unsure where to start you could try setting up a Kanban board.

    Microsoft Teams

    All students and staff at Falmouth Univesity and the University of Exeter have access to . The Microsoft Teams app is a great way to document your teams activities and notes. Microsoft Teams works well with Microsoft Planner, or Trello and many other 3rd party apps.

    Brainstorming Activities

    15 creative exercises for generating ideas in teams.