Academic integrity
It is important to understand and apply referencing consistently in your work.

Basic principles
The basic principles of referencing and why it is needed

Harvard Referencing at Falmouth University
The guide to Falmouth Harvard Referencing style, includes video tutorials.

Harvard for Exeter
The University of Exeter Library have a guide to the referencing styles used by Exeter courses.

Other reference styles
Links to guides for MHRA, ACM, IEEE, APA and other referencing styles

Reference management tools
A quick video guide to software tools available to help manage your research and referencing

Our pick of the referencing tools

Top Tips
Get the right style
- Check your course documents or ask a tutor.
- Check referencing styles for your course.
Find the right guides
- Make sure you get the right one for your course.
Learn to use the guides
- You can’t keep it all in your head.
- Don’t panic if you find it confusing or difficult – there is help
Apps and online tools are brilliant, but not perfect
- You are still responsible for checking your work.
- Our recommend: Resources
Save page numbers when you make notes from text
Insert references as you go when writing a draft
Allow plenty of time to get the details right

Zotero offers free online reference management and authoring.
Zotero Bib
Free, simple, online tool to make a reference or bibliography.
RefWorks (Falmouth)
RefWorks is software that allows you to collect, store and organise references from books, journal articles, websites and other sources. RefWorks is provided by the library and is free to staff & students at Falmouth University.The complete guide to referencing and avoiding plagiarism
For reference - a good comprehensive guide (available online via the Library)
MLA style manual and guide to scholarly publishing
Although this is specific to MLA style, it also contains useful sections on placing quotation in sentences and paragraphs and how to punctuate.