1. Check your argument and structure
Look over your work and check that your key argument is clearly presented and explained with evidence, revising and redrafting if necessary. Your introduction and conclusion should introduce/summarise your key points. Paragraphs should be of consistent length (for an essay or dissertation between 150-250 words as a rough guideline) and each have a clear purpose or point.
2. Check the formatting
Make sure that your assignment is formatted as specified in your assignment brief/as requested by your tutor and that the same font, quotation style etc is used throughout. See Layout for essays and dissertations.
3. Proof read for errors
Here is a checklist to remind you of common spelling, punctuation and grammar mistakes. Try reading your work out loud to check sentences make sense and are not too long. It can be difficult to see your own mistakes when you are immersed in the writing - take a break of a day or so before final checks (if possible!) and/or ask a trusted friend to give feedback. Please remember that although ASK can provide advice on improving your writing, they do not offer a proof-reading service.
4. Speak to a writing advisor
Book an appointment with an ASK writing advisor who will go through your work and give you some feedback. Make sure you do this with plenty of time to spare ahead of any deadline so that you can revise your work based on the feedback you may receive.
4. Check references
Look over your references and bibliography one more time to ensure that they are all correct and up to date to avoid plagiarism.
The final step is to review your work to make sure it is the best that it can be.