
What are extensions?

Extensions are small programs which let you add features to your browser. They are usually free but can have premium versions.

A word of warning

Some extensions are malicious. They can track what you are doing and even steal your data, so do your research before installing them. Read How to Make Sure a Chrome Extension is Safe Before Installing It and Why you should be careful with browser extensions.

How do I install and manage them?

Scroll down for some useful extensions for productivity



Libkey Nomad (University of Exeter only)

LibKey will let you know when the full text of a scholarly article is available when searching via the web, whether through Open Access sources or your Library's subscriptions.

Lean Library

Lean Library (Falmouth University only)

This helps to to connect you to Falmouth Library resources when you are searching via the web, automatically signing you in (or sending you to the Falmouth login page if you’re not already signed in). Available for use with multiple browsers.

Screenshot of the Jiffy Reader extension page with text that says 'Read better faster'.

Jiffy Reader

'Bionic reading' Chrome extension which makes parts of words bold. This helps guide your eyes and stops you losing your place when reading. 

Screenshot of Weava extension showing text highlighted in different colours.

Weava Highligher - PDF & Web

Free Chrome extension for highlighting and annotating pdfs and webpages. Organise these into folders and subfolders and access them from anywhere.

Forest screenshot showing trees growing after a productive studying session


Available as a mobile app for iOS and Android and also a Chrome extension, Forest helps you put down your phone and get productive!

Screenshot of Evernote Web Clipper showing editing pane for clipped section

Evernote/Evernote Web Clipper

Save, organise and annotate images, webpages, photos, scans and files and sync across all your devices. Online, app (iOS and Android) and extension for Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Edge.

Screenshot of Noteboard Sticky Notes extension showing virtual stickies

Note Board

Virtual note board where you can write tasks, add notes, upload files and save online content. Available online, as a Chrome extension or a mobile app (iOS and Android).

Screenshot showing how Unpaywall can find free versions of articles


Chrome extension which finds legally-available free copies of journal articles.

Screenshot of Wayback Machine showing a timeline of archived webpage versions

Wayback Machine

If a webpage is no longer available, Wayback Machine will look for an archived version which you can open. Online and available as an extension for Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Edge.

Screenshot showing how OneTab extension cuts down memory use by combining open tabs in one page


If you have lots of open tabs, OneTab extension for Chrome and Firefox will convert them into a single list, freeing up memory and speeding up your computer. Click to reopen tabs or save and export.

Screenshot of Stay Focused showing site blocking options


Chrome extension which helps you limit or block distracting websites.

Screenshot of Open Dyslexic font being used on webpage


OpenDyslexic is a font which some people with dyslexia may find easier to read. Works with Chrome and Safari.

Screenshot of Visor extension tinting a screen


Chrome extension which will lets you tint your screen and add a reading ruler. 

Screenshot of Keep showing collected images, text and links

Google Keep

Save links, images and notes and sync these between your devices. Extension works with Chrome, Firefox and Edge. Also online and app for iOS and Android.

Screenshot of Grammarly showing suggested corrections


Checks your spelling, punctuation and grammar as you write. Extension works with Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Edge.

Screenshot of Selection Reader settings window

Selection Reader

Selection Reader is a simple Chrome extension which will read aloud any text you highlight in webpages when using the Chrome browser.


Free PDF annotator for multiple platforms and devices (including online). Add notes and comments to pdfs. Rotate, reorder and merge several PDFs together.