In this activity you will start to look for information relating to your research topic using resources in your library. We will guide you to search for a variety of resources to get you started with your journey of discovery.
Follow the steps shown for each resource and note the things you find. There is a form provided to record your findings (optional).
You will need to use the library website and the Library Search for your university. We recommend opening the website in a new tab during the activity or on your mobile phone.
- Falmouth students - visit
- Exeter students - visit
If you are on a Falmouth course you will be using Falmouth Library Search for many of these activities so you might like to explore our video playlist to help you use it.
We would encourage you to look for a variety of sources in order to build your confidence in searching for and accessing different sources and types of information. Work through the guidance below to gather some sources for your project from each of the different categories.
If you would prefer to access this activity as a Word document please do so:

Supported searching
Use the guidance below to help you start searching.
Find Journals
- Go to the library website for your university using the link in the introduction
- Use the Library Search search box on the homepage for your search
- If you haven't used Library Search before then watch the relevant video to help you get you started.
- Use the filters to see if you can find a peer reviewed article relating to your topic. Remember to select the peer reviewed filter for this!
- Try using different keywords if you are struggling to find something useful. If you completed Activity 2 then you can try using some of the ones you identified here.
- Add your article reference to the relevant box in the form above. You can export your reference from Library Search if you don't want to write it down.
Falmouth Library Search
Find Books and eBooks
- Use Library Search to find books or ebooks - remember to use the filters available.
- Watch the Searching for books video (Falmouth students)
- Or visit the Penryn Campus Guide for information on using Library Search as an Exeter Penryn student
- You can also request books we don't have. There is information on this in Activity 4.
Find Data
Use Library Search at your university to access markets, trends and statistics databases
- Falmouth - See our Market Trends and stats subject guide to find some of our best data sources
- Exeter - see the Statistics Quick Guide
Recommended resources to try at both universities:
- Try Statista for data and infographics on nearly everything.
- Try Mintel for consumer trends.
Find News
Try looking at some news sources for the latest information on a current topic or to find interviews or opinion pieces
- Falmouth University students- try out Press Reader for current newspaper and magazines (with images) which you can find via Library Search or use the Newspaper search in the filter options of Library Search
- University of Exeter students - Take a look at the News Sources tutorial
Find Multimedia
- Visit our Video, Images and Sound guide to find out more about what we have on offer. Useful for TV documentaries and films.
- Listen to the audio recording 'In conversation with Alana.. in which she talks about some of our multimedia collections.
- Try out some of our key video sources like LibPlayer and Box of Broadcasts which can be found via our guide above or via Library Search.
- Add some notes about the resource you found to the Multimedia box on the form.
In conversation with a member of the Content and Discovery team(8:38 min)
We talk to Alana from the Content and Discovery team about alternatives to print resources, highlighting some multimedia collections which may be useful to your research.